Bài dịch song ngữ bài 6:
Nobody Heard him: the dead man
But still he lay moaning
I was much further out than you thought
and not waving but drowning.
Hi every body, this is Misterduncan in England.
How are you today?
Are you OK? I hope so!
Are you happy? I hope so!
In this lesson, we'll take a look at the two sides or faces of how we can feel emotionally
and the way these feelings affect both ourselves and the people around us
In today's lesson we will look at
being happy
and feeling sad.
we all have feelings
they are the individual parts of our character that show the way feel,
depending on the situations around us.
When we say feelings, we are actually describing one feeling at a time.
Although sometimes, for example, due to ilness,
a person may experience many feelings at once.
The way we feel relates to your...
Emotinal State
Frame of Mind
State of Mind
Good or bad can be added to all of these words, to show a positive mood and a negative one.
Our feelings and moods are all related to the way we think in our minds
The study of this subject is called...
This also covers the way we behave generally
Our minds control everything we do.
Besides actions, your mood can also affect your health.
If you were to feel unhappy over a long period of time
then you may need to see a doctor
you could be suffering from...
This is often caused by stress from a sudden change in your life.
such as the loss of your job,
or the death of loved one
It may sound strange to some people,
but your mood can be affected...
by the weather
Psychologists have found that a chemical imbalance in the brain
can cause us to feel sad, when there is little sunlight about.
Those affected will feel happier and more content during the summer time,
While during the short winter days,
they may find themselves becoming depressed and gloomy
This feeling even has a name...
Seasonal Affective Disorder
It is amazing how uor moods can change from day to day.
You may find yourself jumping for joy on Monday
and feeling down in the doldrums by Friday.
There are many idioms for feeling happy and sad
'Happy as Larry'
To be very happy.
'Jump for Joy'
To show your happiness.
'Smile from Ear to Ear'
A happy face (Big smile).
'Happy go lucky'
A cheerful (carefree) person.
'On top of the world'
'Down in the Dumps'
To feel unhappy.
'Under a Black Cloud'
Sad and depressed.
'In the Doldrums'
To feel sad and gloomy
There are many different things around us that have the ability to change the way we feel.
A piece of classical music might make you feel sad.
It touches you...emotionally.
It moves you
A happy story may uplift your mood and cheer you up.
You mau find yourself bot laughing and crying, while watching a romantic movie,
either alone or with your lover.
There is an expression in English that goes...
'Laughter is the best medicine'
This means that when you are feeling unhappy or down, or even unwell,
the only way to get out of that mood is to watch something humorous on the televution.
Make a funy face in the mirror.
Laugh out loud until all your blues have gone away!
I feel happy
I feel glad
I feel excited
I never feel sad
The day is alive
and I feel great
Tomorrow will be good
I just can't wait
My heart is warm with a rosy glow
The smile on my face
I love to show
I need to jump
I like to sing
I want to live
I love everything
I feel down
I feel bad
I feel miserable
I really feel sad
I hade this day
I dislike it all
My heart is down
Feel like I will fall
So grey is this world
With its trouble and strife
So cold my spirit
In this dark and gloomy life
In British English we use the word 'sad' informally as a way
of describing something that is unfashionable
or a persion who appears to have no friends or any social life.
'That style of fashion is so sad'
'He never goes out anywhere...'
'...and he has no friends.'
'What a saddo !!'
We can use the world 'happy' and 'sad' and their synonyms
to show our reactions to something or someone.
'I'm really happy to meet you'
'I'm glad to have you as my friend'
'I feel brighter now you are here'
'I feel sad now that you have gone'
'I feel down because I hate my job'
'I feel sick and my spirits are low'
Happy Synonyms
SunnySad Synonyms
It would be fair to say that we all go through times when things seem bad
People can sometimes let you down
They have the abillity to say things that make you unhappy.
Events and circumstances may come along and destroy your plans for the future.
As the poet Stephen Spender once wrote...
'You must live through the time when everything hurts'
Life comes with no guarantees or promises
The sunny days of contentment can only be truly appreciated
through the dark gloomy nights of despair
For without sadness,
we would never really know what it is like to be truly happy
Well that's all I have time for today,
but don't be sad because I will be back again real soon with another lesson just for you
Until then this is Misterduncan in England saying...
thank you for watching me, teaching you
and of course...
ta-ta for now.
But still he lay moaning
I was much further out than you thought
and not waving but drowning.
Hi every body, this is Misterduncan in England.
How are you today?
Are you OK? I hope so!
Are you happy? I hope so!
In this lesson, we'll take a look at the two sides or faces of how we can feel emotionally
and the way these feelings affect both ourselves and the people around us
In today's lesson we will look at
being happy
and feeling sad.
we all have feelings
they are the individual parts of our character that show the way feel,
depending on the situations around us.
When we say feelings, we are actually describing one feeling at a time.
Although sometimes, for example, due to ilness,
a person may experience many feelings at once.
The way we feel relates to your...
Emotinal State
Frame of Mind
State of Mind
Good or bad can be added to all of these words, to show a positive mood and a negative one.
Our feelings and moods are all related to the way we think in our minds
The study of this subject is called...
This also covers the way we behave generally
Our minds control everything we do.
Besides actions, your mood can also affect your health.
If you were to feel unhappy over a long period of time
then you may need to see a doctor
you could be suffering from...
This is often caused by stress from a sudden change in your life.
such as the loss of your job,
or the death of loved one
It may sound strange to some people,
but your mood can be affected...
by the weather
Psychologists have found that a chemical imbalance in the brain
can cause us to feel sad, when there is little sunlight about.
Those affected will feel happier and more content during the summer time,
While during the short winter days,
they may find themselves becoming depressed and gloomy
This feeling even has a name...
Seasonal Affective Disorder
It is amazing how uor moods can change from day to day.
You may find yourself jumping for joy on Monday
and feeling down in the doldrums by Friday.
There are many idioms for feeling happy and sad
'Happy as Larry'
To be very happy.
'Jump for Joy'
To show your happiness.
'Smile from Ear to Ear'
A happy face (Big smile).
'Happy go lucky'
A cheerful (carefree) person.
'On top of the world'
'Down in the Dumps'
To feel unhappy.
'Under a Black Cloud'
Sad and depressed.
'In the Doldrums'
To feel sad and gloomy
There are many different things around us that have the ability to change the way we feel.
A piece of classical music might make you feel sad.
It touches you...emotionally.
It moves you
A happy story may uplift your mood and cheer you up.
You mau find yourself bot laughing and crying, while watching a romantic movie,
either alone or with your lover.
There is an expression in English that goes...
'Laughter is the best medicine'
This means that when you are feeling unhappy or down, or even unwell,
the only way to get out of that mood is to watch something humorous on the televution.
Make a funy face in the mirror.
Laugh out loud until all your blues have gone away!
I feel happy
I feel glad
I feel excited
I never feel sad
The day is alive
and I feel great
Tomorrow will be good
I just can't wait
My heart is warm with a rosy glow
The smile on my face
I love to show
I need to jump
I like to sing
I want to live
I love everything
I feel down
I feel bad
I feel miserable
I really feel sad
I hade this day
I dislike it all
My heart is down
Feel like I will fall
So grey is this world
With its trouble and strife
So cold my spirit
In this dark and gloomy life
In British English we use the word 'sad' informally as a way
of describing something that is unfashionable
or a persion who appears to have no friends or any social life.
'That style of fashion is so sad'
'He never goes out anywhere...'
'...and he has no friends.'
'What a saddo !!'
We can use the world 'happy' and 'sad' and their synonyms
to show our reactions to something or someone.
'I'm really happy to meet you'
'I'm glad to have you as my friend'
'I feel brighter now you are here'
'I feel sad now that you have gone'
'I feel down because I hate my job'
'I feel sick and my spirits are low'
Happy Synonyms
SunnySad Synonyms
It would be fair to say that we all go through times when things seem bad
People can sometimes let you down
They have the abillity to say things that make you unhappy.
Events and circumstances may come along and destroy your plans for the future.
As the poet Stephen Spender once wrote...
'You must live through the time when everything hurts'
Life comes with no guarantees or promises
The sunny days of contentment can only be truly appreciated
through the dark gloomy nights of despair
For without sadness,
we would never really know what it is like to be truly happy
Well that's all I have time for today,
but don't be sad because I will be back again real soon with another lesson just for you
Until then this is Misterduncan in England saying...
thank you for watching me, teaching you
and of course...
ta-ta for now.
Bài dịch song ngữ bài 7:
You know the world of English is a fun and exciting place to be,
I'm so glad you could join us for another lesson.
Hi everybody, this is Misterduncan in England,
how are you today?
Are you okay?
I hope so!
Are you happy?
I hope so!
In today's lesson we will take a look at two aspects of our lives.
One is somthing we take for granted while it is there,
but miss it terribly when it has gone
The other is an activity that we are all encouraged to do
but few of us seem to have the time to carry out
in this lesson we will take a look at...
Health and Exercise
When we talk about our health,
we are actually describing two things.
First we refer to our...
Physical Health
The way our bodies are functioning.
How well it is working
How (well) all the diffrent parts
of your body are functioning.
Then we refer to our...
Mental Health
How each one of us feels emotionally
How we deal with all of
the problems in our lives.
How we see other people around us.
How (well) we cope with the
effects of worry and stress.
It would be fair to say that
there is a connection between
physical and mental health
and that they (both) have
the ability to affect each other
if you feel tired after
any sudden activity,
such as getting up from the sofa
and wolking a short distance
or feeling out of breath
after climbing a few stair,
then there is a good chance
that you are out of shape.
You are unfit
Your health is poor
You are unhealthy.
Prolong inactivity or situations
where you are not moving
around much,
such as sitting in front
of the television,
driving a car,
or working in an office,
may lead to you becoming unfit.
the food you eat also
decides how fit you are.
Many of us eat far too much
food containing fat and sugar.
such as biscuits, burgers, cheese,
chocolate and other types
of so-called junk food.
Over time you will gain weight
and become obese.
your blood pressure will rise
and your heart will be put under strain
by all the extra body mass.
you will find simple activities
more exhausting.
if your unhealthy lifestyle continues
over a long period of time,
you run the risk of suffering
from deseases such as diabetes
and your heart will become weak.
your chances of dying of a
heart attack or stroke greatly
increase if you are overweight.
There are many words connected to exercise such as...
Exercise that makes the heart beat fast from (through) constant body movement
We call this cardiovascular exercise.
This word is used to express the energy being used up during exercise.
A general word for any exercise or leisure activity.
Keep Fit
The act of taking exercise or following a course of exercise routines.
A strenuous (tiring) exercise session focusing on certain parts of the body,
such as the muscles of your arms, legs, chest, and abdomen.
There are many diffrent types of exercise for the body to perform
and which one you do deprend on how fit you are
and what you are trying to achieve from the exercise.
There is light exercise such as walking, stretching, or just generally moving about.
If you do a job where you are always on the move,
then you are not only working, you are keeping fit as well.
Then there is moderate exercise
Alight jog or fast walk will make you sweat a little
and it will provide a good session of exercise to make your heart work
and help your joints stay flexible and supple
Then there is vigorous or stenouous exercise.
This is what really breaks you out into a sweat.
For example, A long run or jog will really make your body work
and you will be able to feel the effects of this exercise immediately
You can have (go for) a workout at a gym or health spa (health centre).
Lifting heavy objects such as weights, do not only keep you fit,
they also help to build up your body
There are many simple exercise for keeping fit and heathy
The most popular ones include...walking.
Yes just go for a walk
Walk to the end of your steet,
then around the corner, across the field, up the hill and back down again.
Walk in a big circle, around (through) the streets and along the roads
Keep on working, until you arrive back home.
Oh you can also jog.
Jogging is quicker than walking.
but not as fast as running
You can jog to the end of your street,
then around the conner, across the field, up the hill and back down again.
Jog in a big circle, around (through) the streets...
...and along the roads.
Keep on jogging...
until you arrive...
back home
you can fo for a run
Oh dear
Running is mich faster (quicker) than jogging.
It can make you feel very tired
Run to the end of your street, then around the conner, across the field,
up to the hill and back down again.
Run in a big circle, around (through) the streets and along the roads,
keep on running...
...until you arrive...
...back home!
The way you take care of your health depends on many different factors.
The things you put in to your body, such as alcohol and cigarette amoke,
have the ability to effect the way your body functions.
Alcohol damages the brain and liver,
while cigrarettes cause damage to the lungs.
The combination of both can lead to many forms of cancer.
The phrase 'smoke and drink yourself to death' is a very true one.
Besides taking regular exercise, you must also ensure
that you are hetting enough rest,
For example, by making sure that you are getting plenty of sleep every night.
The sleeping process allows your body to unwind mentally
while at the same time, recharging you physically.
One Two! Three!
It's okay, I'm just exercising my word-power
Please yourself!
Believe it or not, it is possible to exercise too mich.
You can do too much exercise.
If you work out too often, or try to push your body too far
then you run the risk of causing damage to your muscles and joints.
It is better to do little over a short time, rather than a lot over a long time.
Especially if you are not used to taking exercise.
Just one hours exercise per day should be enough to keep you feeling fit.
If you ever find yourself feeling any pain or dizziness during exercise,
then you should stop
For most people, daily moderate exercise,
with a one or twice weekly workout will be sufficient.
Remember! Overdoing exercise can be just as bad as not doing it enough.
There are many sports activities that can give you
a vigorous workout and help keep you fit
Such as...
Tennis and...
Another great activity is...
Which is good for giving you a relaxing all-over body workout
as you float (and move) in the water
Without all that tiring muscle strain.
Health & Exercise
There has neber been a time when the issue of health has been such a hot topic
Our hectic lifestyles and the need for that magic quick fix
from a burger or a bar of chocolate
has lead to an ever-growing proportion of us becoming unhealthy.
Eating less and axercising more are both easier said than done.
But just like anything, a habit can be changed or broken.
With a little determination and will power, it is possible
to change the way you live and keep in shape.
Just an hour a day, for a walk around the block
or a couple of workout sessions per week at the local gym
can help you stay as fit as a fiddle
That's better
Going out on a fine day for a spot of exercise
is the best way (of keeping) to keep your body in good condition
Of course you don;t always have to do something strenuous or tiring to say fit
Taking a brisk thirty minute walk at least one a day is a great way to stay in shape
If the weather is not good, then you can walk
up and down the stairs in your house a few times
The important thing is to work your body and tire it out a little.
That is all from me for today
Stay healthy and happy, until the next time we meet
This is Misterduncan in England saying
thank you for watching me teaching you
and of course
Ta-ta for now.
I'm so glad you could join us for another lesson.
Hi everybody, this is Misterduncan in England,
how are you today?
Are you okay?
I hope so!
Are you happy?
I hope so!
In today's lesson we will take a look at two aspects of our lives.
One is somthing we take for granted while it is there,
but miss it terribly when it has gone
The other is an activity that we are all encouraged to do
but few of us seem to have the time to carry out
in this lesson we will take a look at...
Health and Exercise
When we talk about our health,
we are actually describing two things.
First we refer to our...
Physical Health
The way our bodies are functioning.
How well it is working
How (well) all the diffrent parts
of your body are functioning.
Then we refer to our...
Mental Health
How each one of us feels emotionally
How we deal with all of
the problems in our lives.
How we see other people around us.
How (well) we cope with the
effects of worry and stress.
It would be fair to say that
there is a connection between
physical and mental health
and that they (both) have
the ability to affect each other
if you feel tired after
any sudden activity,
such as getting up from the sofa
and wolking a short distance
or feeling out of breath
after climbing a few stair,
then there is a good chance
that you are out of shape.
You are unfit
Your health is poor
You are unhealthy.
Prolong inactivity or situations
where you are not moving
around much,
such as sitting in front
of the television,
driving a car,
or working in an office,
may lead to you becoming unfit.
the food you eat also
decides how fit you are.
Many of us eat far too much
food containing fat and sugar.
such as biscuits, burgers, cheese,
chocolate and other types
of so-called junk food.
Over time you will gain weight
and become obese.
your blood pressure will rise
and your heart will be put under strain
by all the extra body mass.
you will find simple activities
more exhausting.
if your unhealthy lifestyle continues
over a long period of time,
you run the risk of suffering
from deseases such as diabetes
and your heart will become weak.
your chances of dying of a
heart attack or stroke greatly
increase if you are overweight.
There are many words connected to exercise such as...
Exercise that makes the heart beat fast from (through) constant body movement
We call this cardiovascular exercise.
This word is used to express the energy being used up during exercise.
A general word for any exercise or leisure activity.
Keep Fit
The act of taking exercise or following a course of exercise routines.
A strenuous (tiring) exercise session focusing on certain parts of the body,
such as the muscles of your arms, legs, chest, and abdomen.
There are many diffrent types of exercise for the body to perform
and which one you do deprend on how fit you are
and what you are trying to achieve from the exercise.
There is light exercise such as walking, stretching, or just generally moving about.
If you do a job where you are always on the move,
then you are not only working, you are keeping fit as well.
Then there is moderate exercise
Alight jog or fast walk will make you sweat a little
and it will provide a good session of exercise to make your heart work
and help your joints stay flexible and supple
Then there is vigorous or stenouous exercise.
This is what really breaks you out into a sweat.
For example, A long run or jog will really make your body work
and you will be able to feel the effects of this exercise immediately
You can have (go for) a workout at a gym or health spa (health centre).
Lifting heavy objects such as weights, do not only keep you fit,
they also help to build up your body
There are many simple exercise for keeping fit and heathy
The most popular ones include...walking.
Yes just go for a walk
Walk to the end of your steet,
then around the corner, across the field, up the hill and back down again.
Walk in a big circle, around (through) the streets and along the roads
Keep on working, until you arrive back home.
Oh you can also jog.
Jogging is quicker than walking.
but not as fast as running
You can jog to the end of your street,
then around the conner, across the field, up the hill and back down again.
Jog in a big circle, around (through) the streets...
...and along the roads.
Keep on jogging...
until you arrive...
back home
you can fo for a run
Oh dear
Running is mich faster (quicker) than jogging.
It can make you feel very tired
Run to the end of your street, then around the conner, across the field,
up to the hill and back down again.
Run in a big circle, around (through) the streets and along the roads,
keep on running...
...until you arrive...
...back home!
The way you take care of your health depends on many different factors.
The things you put in to your body, such as alcohol and cigarette amoke,
have the ability to effect the way your body functions.
Alcohol damages the brain and liver,
while cigrarettes cause damage to the lungs.
The combination of both can lead to many forms of cancer.
The phrase 'smoke and drink yourself to death' is a very true one.
Besides taking regular exercise, you must also ensure
that you are hetting enough rest,
For example, by making sure that you are getting plenty of sleep every night.
The sleeping process allows your body to unwind mentally
while at the same time, recharging you physically.
One Two! Three!
It's okay, I'm just exercising my word-power
Please yourself!
Believe it or not, it is possible to exercise too mich.
You can do too much exercise.
If you work out too often, or try to push your body too far
then you run the risk of causing damage to your muscles and joints.
It is better to do little over a short time, rather than a lot over a long time.
Especially if you are not used to taking exercise.
Just one hours exercise per day should be enough to keep you feeling fit.
If you ever find yourself feeling any pain or dizziness during exercise,
then you should stop
For most people, daily moderate exercise,
with a one or twice weekly workout will be sufficient.
Remember! Overdoing exercise can be just as bad as not doing it enough.
There are many sports activities that can give you
a vigorous workout and help keep you fit
Such as...
Tennis and...
Another great activity is...
Which is good for giving you a relaxing all-over body workout
as you float (and move) in the water
Without all that tiring muscle strain.
Health & Exercise
There has neber been a time when the issue of health has been such a hot topic
Our hectic lifestyles and the need for that magic quick fix
from a burger or a bar of chocolate
has lead to an ever-growing proportion of us becoming unhealthy.
Eating less and axercising more are both easier said than done.
But just like anything, a habit can be changed or broken.
With a little determination and will power, it is possible
to change the way you live and keep in shape.
Just an hour a day, for a walk around the block
or a couple of workout sessions per week at the local gym
can help you stay as fit as a fiddle
That's better
Going out on a fine day for a spot of exercise
is the best way (of keeping) to keep your body in good condition
Of course you don;t always have to do something strenuous or tiring to say fit
Taking a brisk thirty minute walk at least one a day is a great way to stay in shape
If the weather is not good, then you can walk
up and down the stairs in your house a few times
The important thing is to work your body and tire it out a little.
That is all from me for today
Stay healthy and happy, until the next time we meet
This is Misterduncan in England saying
thank you for watching me teaching you
and of course
Ta-ta for now.
Bài 9: Lesson Nine ( F A M E ).
Bài 10: Lesson Ten ( Saying Sorry ).
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